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Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

 Learn how to start affiliate marketing 2021. If you are having difficulties getting started with affiliate marketing? if yes, this is the video for you. Where you are beginners or not, these are great affiliate techniques revealed by top online affiliate marketing experts.

discover how affiliate marketing works by following simple steps developed by Mark Daniells. Many online entrepreneurs want to start their online marketing business, but they are frustrated and overwhelmed by conflicting information online.

I’m gonna take you by the hand and I’m gonna  show you whether or not affiliate marketing 2021 is  right for you or not I’m gonna talk about  the pros and cons and how does it really  work so you’re gonna know more than 99% of  all the people about affiliate marketing  because all the information right now are outdated  on YouTube and can you make money with affiliate  marketing not only that I’m also going to  show you the people who are making the most  money in affiliate marketing and I’m also going to  show you their faces and how much money they make  listen this is absolutely free there is no  course for you to buy I’m not going to sell you a  thousand dollar course on how to do this or how to  do that this is absolutely free now all I ask is  a courtesy which is very simple subscribe drop a  like and make sure to share this video to support  this channel here’s what we need to know about  affiliate marketing hello Mark Daniels here and  as I promised were gonna go ahead and talk  about what is affiliate marketing I created this  video simply because a lot of the information that  you see on YouTube is simply outdated so what are  we going to do I’m going to show you some things  that you need to know in case you are thinking  or wondering about what is affiliate marketing in  addition I’m going to show you some things that  probably nobody knows about or maybe  they know they just don’t show you and  they try to sell you their own stuff  I’m not trying to sell you anything. 

 I’m just simply explaining that to you and I’m  gonna go ahead and break it to you very simple  so anybody can understand it even if you’ve never  heard of the term you know affiliate marketing  so let’s go ahead and get started there are some  things that you must know there’s a lot of reasons  for that is because maybe you’re interested in  it or you want to get into affiliate marketing  but before you do that you need some information  just like you have to do your own research now I’m  gonna go ahead and just give you five important  things and as long as you understand these  you’re gonna know probably 99 more than other  people that they think they know about affiliate  marketing now the first thing is were going to  go ahead and define what is affiliate marketing  simply is selling other peoples product online it  doesn’t matter what it is if its physical digital  it really does not matter at all now let’s go  ahead and talk about that there are three types of  mainly there are three versions of that now let’s  go ahead and just explore them now the first one  is what I call is the public. Public there are some  networks for example if you created a course for  let’s say for example and you want to sell  it online but you don’t want to deal with the  management of it and delivery of it and the  collecting the money and so forth you would  just hire something like Click bank for example  Click Bank is something very important and I make it mandatory for all the people that I coach  to go through Click Bank number one is that you  can make money and at the same time you can start  to get experiment without you getting banned and  things like that unless you do something bad okay  I’m going to go ahead and show you how to actually  go to Click bank you go to Google you just   put Click Bank. you just go to home now there is  something here that some people make some mistakes  now in case, you want to join to promote something  don’t confuse it with sell uh just a little bit  about a Click bank Click bank been around for 20  years its in 200 countries and they have already  paid 4.2 billion dollars to their affiliates  so it’s not like something that just popped  up just a couple of years ago this one is  Click Bank is proven now a lot of people make  this mistake and they say oh yeah I want to  sell and they click here no this is not where you  need to if you want to promote a product this is  not where you need to actually click this one  here is for people that already have a product  and they want to sell it on Click bank now  what you want to do is click on promote.

The affiliate or publisher. The consumer. Pay per sale. Pay per lead. Pay per click. Passive income. No customer support.

Okay just make sure a lot of people make a  mistake and they click here and they kind  of like wonder what’s going on and then you  click on right here you click on join Click bank  and after that you are presented with this dialog  right here now make sure you fill it correctly  and make sure you put the right email  address because this is what your  email will be needed for you to  verify that so this is for Click bank  now the second thing is direct now what i  mean by direct there are obviously if you go  to Click bank, they have hundreds of thousands  of products that you can pick and choose from  so make sure you understand that now Wal-Mart  obviously is a Wal-Mart. it’s one store what they do and same thing with target and many other  companies they all have athlete marketers now  and affiliate marketing programs so what you do  is you go to Wal-Mart affiliate marketing and then  you get enrolled and you send people to them for  certain products for example and then you get paid  since I talked about Wal-Mart affiliate  program you just go to Google in case  you want to do that and then you click on  Wal-Mart affiliate program so you want to go ahead and type that in here otherwise  it’ll be very difficult to get to it  so you click on that and then you are faced with  affiliate program just click on the right one like  right here and you are presented with this page  right here now I’m not telling you to go ahead and  join Wal-Mart affiliate program but since I talked  about it, I felt like I need to go ahead and just  let you know how to join the affiliate program  and where to go in case you want to do that  I do not like to do any affiliate work with any  physical product this is just me but some people  they just love that so what you do is you click  on become a member now it’s going to take you into  this page right here Wal-Mart affiliate program  here it tells you a little bit more about it  and it goes a little bit more in detail and it  tells you how much the payout for everything  and how does it work so you can fill this  application complete this application and then  send it out you would provide some information  here all the information that you can put in but  this is how to join that but it doesn’t matter if  its Wal-Mart or target or it really doesn’t matter  the one that I saw the biggest uh return is  hardware stores like home depot and so forth  the reason for that especially for overseas if you  are you want to promote something overseas this  is the best way to do it I’ve done it before it  was very successful but at the same time. 

I’d  rather not do any type of physical product but you  can do that as well there are some direct athlete  marketing companies that I don’t like you probably  want to watch some of my other videos I’m going to  go ahead and put them in the description below  make sure you do that because you don’t want to  waste your time and energy and money for something  that is not going to give you a return on your  investments now you also have the private now a  lot of people don’t know much about the private  networks private networks they do exist it’s like  locked up it’s what I mean by that is like not  anybody can just join in you are there, by invite  you’re able to do that and then they qualify you  based on whoever sent you there these are very  lucrative areas right here but this is not for  beginners okay lets go ahead and talk about how  does it actually work now you need to know very  well of course how is it going to work otherwise  you’ll be confused its very simple let’s say you  have a product that you want to promote it doesn’t  matter from Click bank Wal-Mart it doesn’t matter  now you promote it in your own way either by  your own website as maybe you do have a funnel  maybe you have some advertisement it doesn’t  really matter how you get it now some people  click on it obviously, they’re going  to give you some information about  uh I’ll talk about that here in just a little bit  so they can give you a link that is unique only to  you so they can attract everything also track all  the people that buy so they can pay you after that  if somebody buys it doesn’t matter what it is  now you get paid. Now you get paid what percentage  of the amount that is sold that could be twenty  percent fifty percent eighty percent it depends  on the company depends on the product so now you  know how it works I’m not gonna well lets go  and repeat it real quick uh you pick something  that you want to and I do have a lot of things  to go in detail but the subject of this video is  what is affiliate marketing so I don’t want to go  into a deep dive about it because I do have some  other important videos that go step by step which  I’m going to put in the description but this  is how it goes you promote it people find it  they click on it they buy it then you get paid  because they are tracking everything the affiliate  marketing if it was Click bank for example is  a tracking everything it tracks every click  and then when somebody buys they send you that  information they send you the money and they  also, give you information about how many clicks  you got how many people looked at your link now  can you make money in affiliate marketing a lot  of people, wonder is this a scam is this something  that I can do is this something that is gonna be  there tomorrow I can tell you yes and no at the  same time it depends mostly on you now I’m gonna  show you some proof here in just a little bit so  make sure you.... you see that and you know  there’s a big payout for that big payout for  people who are really making it as a career and  without further ado, I’m going to go ahead and  just share that with you now these are some of  the affiliates I don’t want to put there’s a lot  of pages out there uh in here my friend here Pat  he makes $179,000 it says right here he makes a lot  more than that last time we looked at his stuff so  but this is might be a little bit outdated this  is per month john for example makes about half a  million per month he makes here about $200,000 per  month and some people make more I know people  make more than that but we have to be careful.

I’m not promising this is a full disclosure I’m  not saying that you will make money all I’m saying  is some people want to know if there are some  people making money who are they who is making the  money who are these people how they look like what  are their faces how much money are they making I just want to give you an idea right here so you  can have a clear picture of yes you can make money  as an affiliate marketer. All right the other thing  I want to talk about is simple, what can you sell  I’ve maybe touched on it before but what you can  sell anything that is offered on the internet it  really doesn’t matter what it is it doesn’t matter  at all, some people think that oh there are certain  things they can sell or promote okay you are  promoting you’re not creating your own product  you’re selling someone else’s product just like  I said up there you’re selling other peoples  product anything that is offered it really doesn’t  matter now the last thing I want to talk about is  how do you get paid because a lot of things are  happening online and some people get confused or  they might be concerned and its rightfully  so because everything is happening not face to face it’s happening online how do you get paid  well what happens is that they do give you a  link inside that link when someone clicks on that  is designed to go and put in a cookie inside that  person that clicked on your link and when that  happens it goes into their hard drive for example  and it lasts sometimes for 30 days 20 days three  months it depends on the company so if they came  back again and that’s what the beauty about it  if they came back again maybe a week after and  they bought that thing without going through your  link you still get the credit I just want to make  that clear so you’ll understand what I’m talking  about what happens is that you do have a unique  link that you have and you would use it that link  is unique to you so anything that happens through  that link goes back into you and this is what  I’m talking about the idea is how do you get  paid there are three ways sometimes it depends on  the company they do send you a check in the mail  and then sometimes they do give you options of  how you want to get paid and then some of them  they also do PayPal I decided to give you a bonus  here I’m going to give you two techniques that are  used by the top affiliate marketers in the world  the reason I’m doing that is because you watch  till this point of the video one of them this  first technique is called the engaged affiliate  model or engaged affiliate method there are three  methods I’m not I’m not gonna talk about the other  two because this is what is used mostly by the  top affiliates then I’m gonna talk about the top  convergent method or technique that you can use  and this is very important for you to succeed so  make the best out of it lets move on this is  engaged affiliate model now like I mentioned  before I am not telling you how to build anything  yet before you build anything before you are  like okay  go here go there go there. and then start building  before you build anything you need the information  and which direction you need to go based on what  based on your strength and your passion because  I’m giving you right now what’s out there how you can start making and succeeding in affiliate  marketing and making passive income throughout  the time and that’s what the top affiliates do  they don’t just pick one product or two product  nowhere of course you have to have a specific  niche you don’t have to have a website now I do have you should have a website what I’m talking  about a website that you need to sell your product  on you don’t need that you need what I call a  branding website because you don’t need to be  homeless online a lot of people believe it or not  they go and look you up I do have one if you go you see you  see my branding website just talk a little bit  about me I’m not selling anything I’m just saying  this is about me this is my qualification I do  exist this is how I look like and things that  I believe in and my experience and that’s about it.

Some people want to know oh how this person look  like is that person some kind of a crook behind  a wall or something make sure to do that and I do  have everything that I’m talking about is in the  links below under success tools you can build your  own website very quickly now the other thing is  I want to talk about is that when you are using  this model I’m gonna explain to you here in just  a little bit exactly how it’s done you don’t need  a website to sell anything you can graduate to it  later on, now the way I do it, I do it a hybrid  I do hybrid which is engaged plus one niche  I don’t like to do a lot of niches later on you  can there are some people they get together one  person has strength in something another person  has a strength in something else this is fantastic  to have detached affiliate model but for this  you don’t need any of that all you need is what  I’m going to tell you here in just a little bit so  please pay attention this is very important again  this is before you pick your product what do  you want to do because 99 of all the people who  are starting affiliate marketing they are confused  frustrated overwhelmed because they’re not getting  the information here I’m telling you exactly  what it is and then it’s up to you to decide  what you want to do now in case you want to do one  of these and you’re interested in going about the  details of it make sure to let me know and put  something in the comment and ask that question  so if I have enough people who are interested  in whatever you’re interested in. 

I can go-ahead  and just make a video regarding that something in  detail okay now you need a hub what I mean by that  is a social platform that could be Facebook  Instagram so forth I’m not gonna go too much  into that because its self-explanatory you need  something where you can sit there and talk with  people some people don’t like to show their faces  you’re not showing your face that’s fine if you’re  selling some kind of product but if you want  to do this the objective is you need to build  a tribe they have to see how you look like okay  and this is the most lucrative one by the way so  don’t underestimate it because this is very  lucrative what you are doing you are building  your own tribe which is you build a you  trust and then what happens statistics  show when people trust you they like you what  happens they tend to buy more and more from you  just because you are telling the truth you are  just saying what do you think about something  you’re not trying to please everybody just say  what’s right so you want to build a tribe. For people  that follow you, people, that they believe in  you and people that really like you a lot  the reason I got my YouTube channel I reached the  threshold I got that very quickly some people take  years I did that in a few months why because I’m  giving value. 

The affiliate or publisher. The consumer. Pay per sale. Pay per lead. Pay per click. Passive income. No customer support.

I’m just saying whatever I believe  in and you need to do the same thing in order to  build a tribe I give people a lot of things that  it cost thousands of dollars for them to get or  to know about and that makes a huge difference  now affiliate marketing you sell affiliate  marketing or your own products in case you  have knowledge about a subject you can create  your own course remember when you create a course  that course created one time and it keeps selling  again and again yes a lot of people asked me to  create a course for f marketing for beginners I  don’t have one but if I have enough people I will  I’ll do one that really works because I know  exactly what you’re going through because  I’ve been there people try throwing in  different directions okay as far as the  uh cells uh affiliate you know where to go to  get them if you don’t just watch my other videos  now let’s go ahead and talk about this one. This  is the is the easiest one to start uh I’m talking  about of course I’m talking about this one right  here which is the engaged affiliate model you can  start it tomorrow within 24 hours if you follow  what I was telling you everything is in the link  the top conversion model is the best one if you  want to get started very quickly and this is  what I really want you to concentrate on the other  ones are down the road but my job is to give you  options I see it all the time on YouTube they  start a video on YouTube and they tell you about  one thing because they want you to buy a product  a course there’s no course for me to sell you  but a lot of people asking me about creating a  course I’ll see about that but I’m not about this  so here is you know exactly what you want to do  now here’s how it works everything in here that.
I’m going to talk about is provided in the links  under success tools so what you do is you get  the traffic I tell you where to get it within 24  hours you can build a bridge page I even gave you  a free funnel which has cost hundreds of dollars  I gave it to you free of charge and what happens  when you’re using this engaged model you want  to do conversion this is how you actually start  making the money you get the traffic you send them  to abridge page where you they can get some value  of it and then you get it into the auto responder  after that, it’s the way I have it is automated  they go to the thank you page and then they go  to the affiliate sales page all that is done  automatically now I’m talking about here one  product you can do multiple products later on  when you get somebody and you sell them something  what happens you can do it over and over again  a lot of people ask me this question about page  they say well I don’t want to because I tell you  opt-in page and a bridge page on one page is  really the best but if you’re selling high end  product you need maybe a separate page to make  a little bit more convincing argument for them  to buy from you but if you are new never do that  don’t sell high ticket items people don’t know you  they have no trust you’ll be wasting your time get  in with something small later on, that is related  and then, later on, sell them something better say  hey yeah you got this from me I got something  better for you okay don’t do that I get a lot of  emails about well what is a bridge page that can  really help me at this point because you are new  don’t worry about that all the information that.
I gave you which is how a Click bank for beginners  a complete tutorial this is the name of the video  I explained about all these right here and I gave  you a real-life product in front of you and I did  all that and I tracked all of it automatically so  make sure you do that now after that what happened  you would send them emails and usually minimum i  get 40 percent conversion on this if you follow  exactly what I tell you there is no reason for  you not to get 40 conversion which is which is  good especially for a new person very good  a lot of people get one two or three percent  conversion but when you do it the way I’m doing  it right here which you can watch that video and  you can follow it then you can become a little  bit more successful starting from zero so you  don’t have to go through all that trouble  of learning all the mistakes that you might  encounter now as far as the auto responder  right here you want to send them an email  that happens automatically as well I’m not here to  show you exactly how all this work I’m just giving  you a synopsis regarding the engaged model now I have given you all this I hope this really made  sense again the reason I’m doing it here I’m not  doing anything fancy but I’m just giving you the  ideas that you should know about then you can make  that decision don’t sit there and look for people  who are really so engaging oh I’m gonna make five  thousand dollars on one day and things like that  if you don’t believe me go and watch one of my  videos about how to succeed in online marketing  because I show you all these scams and I’ll break  it down why it would not work now if you want to  know everything about affiliate marketing watch  this playlist right here and if you want to know  more about email affiliate marketing watch this  video right here as usual I’ll see you at the top.

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