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Untold Archaeology of the Temple Mount

Archeology at the Temple Mount is strictly forbidden. However, over the past hundred years, the Temple Mount went through many renovations, during which archaeologists were able to document incredible findings. These findings and much more we reveal in this video.

We will enter the Temple Mount through the Moors Gate, walk to the Dome of the Rock and examine where the Ark of the Covenant could have stood, see the Golden Gate, and then peak into the archives of the Al-Aqsa mosque to find out what lies underneath it.

So join us for this adventure as we explore the Temple Mount.

Alight, this is exciting. This is it, this is the entrance.

Hey, are those shields for police?


This video is going to be unlike anything else we have ever done primarily because the Temple Mount is a place under very high political tension to such a degree that upon entry, we had to take a security briefing by a police officer, but also because we’re going to show you shocking, rare footage of what lies underneath the Temple Mount structures. We actually attempted to come here before, but each time our entry was denied. You see, this place has 12 non-sealed Gates, but most of them allow only Muslims to enter. non-Muslim visitors can only enter through one gate.

It is called Bab el-Maghreb or in English, the Gate of the Moors. And what makes things even more difficult is that we can enter this gate only on certain days and certain hours for a very limited time and under very strict rules. But finally, we were able to enter. And even more than that, we were able to get permission to document  the experience using our mobile phones. And that is exactly what we’re going to do in this video.

First time on the Temple Mount!

I get Goosebumps just  thinking about it right now. Using our forecasts camera on the iPhones, we will document the ascension on the ramp  that leads to the only gate were allowed to enter. And show you raw footages of what it  is like to walk on the Temple Mount.

Wow! Look at that! I can’t believe were here!

We will walk the incredible Mount Mariah, examining the modern and ancient structures, such as the dome of the rock, which is believed to have been built on top of the same rock, where Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, Isaac, and the rock upon which it is believed the Ark of the Covenant once stood as well. We will also walk to the Golden Gate known as the Eastern Gate, which had been sealed since the medieval times. I thought it was just a gate, but it’s bigger.

Yeah, it looks like it has like a  building inside it or a room of some sort. And as a bonus, we will reveal to you something that we found out in our research that completely blew us away. So join us on this extraordinary adventure as we visit the Temple Mount for the very first time in our lives. So we are walking up the ramp that leads to the only gate through which visitors can enter. And entrance is allowed for a few hours a day. But if you come after noon, like we did, then you only have one hour from 1:30 to 2:30 PM.   At least in the summer 2020, and entry, there is a checkpoint with metal detectors and a police officer who was really kind and very welcoming towards us.

And he gave us a five minute briefing in which he explained to us the current high tension that is on temple Mount. And he told us a few basic things that we should not hold hands. We should have our shoulders and knees covered at all times. He told us not to go into any buildings, not to touch anything,
not to talk to anyone and not to do any video interviews. However, they did allow us to document the experience on our mobile phones. And that is why this video is going to be very different from anything else we’ve done from now on what you will see is what we saw the entire time from entrance to exit. But since we could not speak much on camera, we’ll be doing the explanations in a narrative form.

So here we are excited walking up the ramp to the Moors gate for the very first time in our lives. This is exciting. This is a, this is the entrance.

Hey! Are those shields for police?

Right now we have to turn off the recording and put down our phones because there is another Israeli checkpoint. But think about how sensitive the security situation is here, that they must have riot shields ready to be used at all times by the entrance of the temple Mount.

Thankfully, they’re not being used at the  moment and we can pass through the gate. The voice you just heard was uttered by a man from the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf. The trust that controls and manages the Temple Mount. He pulled me aside and asked me to put an extra cover on my shoulders because my shawl was a bit see-through. Thankfully, they  had extra covers and now were ready to go. We can walk everywhere he said too. We can walk and stuff.

If you’re wondering who is the authority here,  Israel, Jordan, or the Islamic Waqf?

Well at the moment, it is kind of a joint operation. The Temple Mount is policed by the state of Israel.
However, the daily administration of things is managed by the Islamic Waqf, which is primarily sponsored by Jordan. So as were walking the street, we can almost feel this real sense of tension. The temple Mount is pretty large. In fact, it is the largest religious compound of the ancient world. It is so big that it occupies one sixth of the entire old city of Jerusalem. And even though the Temple Mount looks like a platform back in the time of David it was just a mound upon which it is believed Solomon built the first temple.

And at the time, the platform was not large, but with years it had numerous expansions with the largest of them being done by King Herod in the first century, BC, as he erected giant walls around the Mount and filled them with earth. And as a result, a giant flat platform was formed. Rhoda and I have entered through the Moors Gate and then made our way up by the Western wall and are on route to the Dome of the Rock.

So cool! So how old is everything here?

The dating is actually scattered all over the place because there had been so many reconstructions done  here throughout the ages. For example, the arches that we are walking  through are part of the eight arch structures that surrounded the Dome of the Rock. They were built in the early Islamic period. Most of them dating to about the 8th century AD. Rhoda: We shouldn’t get close.

The building in front of us is the Dome of the Rock.This building was built at the end of the 7th century during the early Islamic reign. And it is one of the most recognized buildings in the entire world. But if you pay close attention to its structure, you will notice that it does not look like a mosque. And that is because originally it was not built as a mosque. It was built as a shrine to the foundation stone of the temple. The stone, which is located at the center of this building. In fact, even the Supreme Muslim council led by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, published a guide to the temple Mount in 1924, in which they write that- Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute And they even continue to say that this is where David built an altar onto the Lord and offer burnt offerings and peace offerings
And this so-called foundation stone upon which it is believed Abraham was sent the sacrifice his son Isaac, and where David built an altar could also be the same stone up on  which the Ark of the Covenant once stood.

According to a famous archeological  architect and researcher Leen Ritmeyer, who discovered the evidence for the location of Solomon’s temple. We may still see the [depression] in the bedrock marking the place where the Ark of the covenant would have been settled in to prevent it from moving.
Wow, this is so cool, I can’t believe we are here. This is like.. were so close to the rock. I wish we could get in. He said it that only Muslim worshipers can go in, we can’t go into the building. Too bad. But still, were so close. It’s so cool. And this is the place right here,  where they found the ancient wall.

Right here!

Since excavations are prohibited at this site, archeologists have to primarily rely on data recorded during renovations. For example, in 1951, when the floor was replaced at the Dome of the Rock, archeologists recorded remains of ancient walls that are believed to date to the 2nd temple period and possibly be the  remains of the base of the temple walls. It’s also worthy to mention that under this rock,
there is a cave called Well of the Souls where Muslim worshipers may enter to pray. Not much is known about the origins of the  cave due to the strict no excavation rules. However, in 2015, when the carpets were replaced, the floor of the cave was documented on  camera for the first time in human history. The images sent shockwaves around the world.

As people started speculating what these peculiar designs might be. Some even suggesting that this could be a clue  to the location of the lost Ark of the covenant. A theory that was born due to the discovery  made by Ermete Pierotti in the 19th century. He wrote that there is an additional cave underneath the Well of the Souls, and he said that he was able to reach this cave through a secret tunnel.
We continue our journey to our next destination, the Golden Gate. This is the gate that you see from the Mount of Olives. And at this hard to miss because it  is the only gate on the eastern wall. But to get there, we had to walk under  the eastern arches and onto the area, which is believed to have been the women’s  court during the second temple time.

This would have been the place where Jesus saw  the widow putting the two mites into the treasury.
Yeah, this is where I’ve seen the guys go down. Just a few more feet walking through the eastern gardens, we reach the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate also known as the Eastern Gate or in Hebrew Shaar Harakhamim, the Gate of Mercy, is the most interesting gate of all on the Temple Mount. All three major monotheistic religions  place a huge significance on this gate. Some Jews believe this is the gate through which the  Messiah will come in accordance to Ezekiels prophecy. The Muslims believe this gate is connected to the final judgment at the end of days.

While the Christians believe this is the  gate through which Jesus the Messiah had already entered riding on the donkey,  fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies, and will come back again during the second  coming, entering this gate in the last days. So why is this gate sealed?

After the gate had been sealed by the Arabs in the 9th century, then opened up by the crusaders and sealed again by Saladin. It had been shot since the medieval times. And here’s the reason why, It is said that the Muslim rulers did not want the Jewish prophecies to come about, and a false Messiah to come through the gate. So they not only shut it, but the Ottomans place a cemetery in front of it, to also prevent Elijah the forerunner to the Messiah  from coming through the gate because the cemetery would defile him in accordance to the Jewish law. I can’t believe were looking at the Eastern Gate from the inside. This is cool.

Today the gate is used for Muslim worshipers, so visitor entry is forbidden. However, from the outside, we can see some incredible traces of history. Even though most of the structure of the gate is believed to date to the Byzantine or early Islamic period, there is something spectacular lying on the ground level. In the seventies, Leen Ritmeyer was given  access to spend a whole week inside the gate. During this week, he documented the interior surfaces and  was able to see two monolithic gate posts, that seem to date to the 1st temple period. These gate posts lie perfectly in line with  the iron age masonry of the eastern wall.

And this 1st temple masonry can still be seen from the  outside of the walls today, for anybody who passes by If all this indeed checks out, then todays Eastern Gate is built right on top of the original 1st temple gate called the Shushan gate. The same gate that would have been  reserved only for the high priest and those who aided him taken out the scape-goat on the Day of Atonement. Babe its almost 2:30. We have to hurry. We gotta go. Unfortunately, we only have a few minutes left  before the visitation hour comes to an end, but on our way out, we thought to make us stop by the Al-Aqsa mosque. And that is because this mosque has incredible  history hiding right under its floors.

In 1927, a major earthquake shook the region, taken down the rooftop of the Al-Aqsa mosque. To prevent future collapse, the Waqf decided to strengthen the foundations by  digging up the floors around the supporting columns. And when they lifted the floors, a British archeologists, Robert Hamilton, was onsite to document the  work in case they found something underneath. And to no surprise, so many things were found that Hamilton wrote a 336 page report in which he documents ancient structures, marble floors, underground passages, and so much more.

But one of the most incredible findings was a mosaic  that lies underneath the Al-Aqsa mosque floor. This mosaic did not get much attention until a prominent Israeli archeologists, Zahi Dvira, noticed it is almost identical in pattern  to the mosaic found in the Church of Nativity. And even though some say the early Muslims  used to mimic the Byzantine style, this mosaic stretched to the outside of the original mosque. If so, then there was an earlier building under the Al-Aqsa possibly a Byzantine church. And even more intriguing is that when Dvira was looking through the archives, he noticed that one of the staircases they dug out has a divider, a divider, which is very similar to the one a Jewish ritual bath would have- a Mikveh.

But if that not enough to peaks ones interest, here’s the cherry on top, during the renovations, the wooden support beams were removed. These support beams were then taken to be tested using carbon dating method, and dendro chronological dating. A very precise method for dating trees. The results were nothing short of astonishing. The beams are Cypress trees and Cedars of Lebanon. And some of the beams dated to the 2nd temple period, the time of Jesus, while a few of the beams dated to the 1st  temple period, the time of David and Solomon.

That’s right, Cedar of Lebanon and Cypress trees dating  to the 1st and the 2nd temple periods. What is your, uh...

what are your first thoughts right now? 

I wanna capture what you were thinking. The archeological information we shared with you in this video, is just a small fraction of the mountains of data that had been collected over the past hundred years. Things like Herodias style ceiling that’s found in the double gate, a Greek graffiti on the ancient beams, an ancient step that is still visible peeking out of the modern construction, and over 150 cavity’s and Wells under the ground, secret passages under the mountains, the trumpeting stone found in the corner of the temple with Hebrew inscription, two warning inscriptions that surround the inner court of the temple with a Greek inscription of warning pagan visitors not to proceed under penalty of death, 50 Jewish ritual bath excavated by the entrance of the Temple Mount, or the hundreds of thousands of artifacts  excavated by the Temple Mount Sifting Project in the soil that was taken just outside of the Al-Aqsa mosque, artifacts that date all the way back to  the 2nd and the 1st temple periods.

Indeed, this place has so much history and there is so much to learn and still to look forward to. But we were so glad to visit it today and experience it together.

"Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused. "
- Paulo Coelho
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. "
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
“A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life. "
- Andrew Matthews

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. "
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."
- Ingrid Bergman
"You're always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company."
- Diane Von Furstenberg


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